“Ozone layer”, is the blanket of the earth which lays over to protect our mother earth and its saplings, that is us humans. The Ozone layer absorbs a portion of the radiation from the sun, preventing it from reaching the surface area of the globe and this radiation is the “UVB” (ULTRAVIOLET B) rays, which are highly hazardous to the world. The ozone layer stands as a blanket to protect us from these dangerous effects, which gives us the responsibility to refuge the layer in return.
Unfortunately, the majority of the human race fails to understand for a fact that the ozone layer needs utmost care from us. The main causes that affect the Ozone are CFCs, Halons, Methyl chloroform and more, which are sources of air conditioners, refrigerators and more. The main reason revolves around air pollution, as the air pollutants cause a hole in the layer.
As time passes by, the damage to the Ozone simultaneously increases and in the future, the amount of beings affected by it is expected to increase as well, as the world gets exposed to harmful ultraviolet rays. Human beings are expected to face hazardous chronic diseases and effects such as cancer, sunburns, cataracts, quick ageing and a weak immune system but this effect is not only limited to humans but also animals, marine life, and most importantly the environment as it directly harms the process of photosynthesis. “How can this global threat possibly be eroded” is a question which lies around in a lot of people’s minds, however, “eroding” it, is not an easy task and not a possible one at this point in time but, if as a globe we work on avoiding using ODS ( ozone depleting substances), Minimize the use of vehicles, use eco-friendly products. We might save ourselves and make the environment a better place for future generations if we do not follow the necessary steps meticulously if every global citizen follows it to the minimum they can, we can create a safer society for future citizens.
The 16th of September is considered the PRESERVATION OF OZONE LAYER DAY. As we approach a day that holds high significance to society, let’s start working towards saving us, our country and our earth. The 16th of September is especially embarked as the day for the preservation of the ozone layer because of the “Montreal Protocol”, which was signed on the same date, back in 1994. The protocol is an international treaty designed to eradicate ozone depletion substances and to protect the environment, though even if hundreds more significant protocols like the Montreal arise, what the citizens contribute holds high importance to the society, hence as global citizens, let’s promise to safeguard our society.